Wednesday, February 21, 2007



Source: “How People Learn”, Bransford, etc. al, 2000, pp. 231-247


"Teachers have a critical role in assisting learners to engage their understanding, building on learners' understanding, correcting misconceptions, and observing and engaging with learners during the processes of learning." (p.238)

"Teachers must address the multiple levels of knowledge and perspectives of children's prior knowledge, with all of its inaccuracies and misconceptions." (p.238)

"Effective comprehension and thinking require a coherent understanding of the organizing principles in any subject matter." (p.238)


"Expert teachers know the structure of the knowledge in their disciplines and are sensitive to the aspects of the subject matter that are especially difficult and easy for students to grasp." (p.241)

"Subject-matter expertise requires well-organized knowledge of concepts and inquiry procedures." (p.242)

"Accomplished teachers also assess their own effectiveness with their students." (p.242)


"Technologies should be used to help meet the challenges of establishing effective learning environments, through:

1) bringing real-world problems into classrooms

2) provide "scaffolding" support to augment what learners can do and reason about on their path to understanding,

3) increase opportunities for learners to receive feedback

4) build local land global communities,

5) expand opportunities for teachers' learning." (p. 243)

"Technology can be a tool of representation." (p.243)

"Assessment should reflect the quality of students' thinking, as well as what specific content that they have learned."

"Effective teachers see assessment opportunities in ongoing classroom learning situations. They continually attempt to learn about students' thinking and understanding and make it relevant to current learning tasks." (p.245)

"Outside of formal school settings, children participate in many institutions that foster their learning." (p.245)

"A key environment for learning is the family. Classroom environments are positively influenced by opportunities to interact with parents and community members who take interest in what they are doing." (p.245)


"Learning is EVERYBODY'S business."

It should be clearly understood that students, teachers, and parents have their own indispensable responsibility towards ensuring successful learning.

Students should know the value of education as their life's wealth. They have to develop in themselves the appreciation of the opportunity to acquire knowledge that they will use for their future career. They have to commit into preparing and enriching themselves with skills and knowledge that will give them self-confidence in solving life problems. They should not go to school just because they are forced to.

Teachers must know well their subject of expertise. They should teach creatively so students will become engage and will apply their knowledge to real life situations. They should direct their learners to use whatever tools available that enhance learning. Teachers need to know that students are preparing for life. The knowledge and skills they teach must make the students be confident to choose a career that would fulfill them and make a difference.

Parents are effective role models for their children with regards to good study habits. When parents set up structure, children will follow study time. When parents limit distractions, children will focus in their school tasks. When parents read, children will love books. When parents cherish learning, children will value their future. When parents honor their learning achievements, children will appreciate theirs.


Blogger arlene chua said...

Like a famous politician once said, "It takes a village to raise a child."(Actually Hillary Clinton borrowed it from an African proverb). The child is a product of the values of his/her parents, teachers, peers, community. As teachers we must work hand-in-glove with the rest of the world to make sure that the child in front of us is educated holistically. What is sad is that nowadays, parents leave the parenting to the teachers or worse, to the community --- and then get irate when the product is not acceptable to them!

10:09 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

I have followed your posts since the beginning of the class and have to say that I agree with your perspective. I also have to say that you are certainly on the right track with things and the road to get there. Unfortunately, when you are looking at things from your perspective, things are bright and positive and I feel like there is nothing I can't do. However, I have found that when I actually go into the teaching arena and try to implement all of these great ideas, I am faced with a massive amount of resistance and excuses as to the reasons I cannot go forward, and if I choose to press on, I have to basically go it alone. I want to thank you for your insight as it has been nice to know that there are others out there who are experiencing a measure of success with these methods. I will not give up, even if I do go it alone. Eventually, there will be others who will see the persistence to invoke change, change for the betterment of all.

2:40 AM  

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