Wednesday, February 14, 2007

(Note: This blog was inadvertently posted last Feb. 7 to a different blog page when I switched to the new blog account as per instruction of I just copied this blog into this page which is linked to



Source: “How People Learn”, Bransford, et. al, 2000, pp. 114 – 127

“Learning changes the physical structure of the brain.”

“Learning organizes and reorganizes the brain.”

“The more a person interacts with the world, the more a person needs information from the world incorporated into the brain structures.”

“Classes of words, pictures, and other categories of information that involve complex cognitive processing on a repeated basis activate the brain.”


“We are the product of our own milieu.”

Chapter 5 confirms the importance of giving our children the appropriate and adequate environment to ensure sufficient learning. I always question some parents on why they allow their children to get involved in so many activities that make children get too tired to do homework and other school requisites. I sometimes felt that parents wanted just to have a better option for baby sitting.

However, after reading this chapter, I understand that these activities are purposeful opportunities. Even, if some parents might not be aware, these opportunities indirectly enhance the classroom learning. After school, children can experience further stimulation in sports (swimming, martial arts, golf, kayak, etc), in arts (piano, violin, painting, dancing, etc) and in other extra-curricular activities. As a result of involving in these, the children assimilate more information. They truly augment the children brain activity since indulging more into learning opportunities would increase brain growth. As more information is digested and learned, the better brain grown and activity. (opps, what about those milk commercials that profess influence on brain growth). Consequently, they obliquely contribute to school learning.

As long as fatigue is not an issue, I then encourage parents in sending children to significant after school activities. Children need to have more interaction to their environment and learn more while they are young – relate with people, adapt to varied systems of organization and experience and study practical skills. When learned at a tender young age, all these coupled with what they learn in school influence their behavior and thinking process will have last lasting effects and will positively contribute to career success.

Furthermore, in class, I would use materials that will engage my many of students’ senses. Knowing that well-organized information presented through pictures and meaningful words will activate brain function, I must teach interactively. There is no question why children are so enamored with computer games. These excite their senses and activate their brains.

There is a lot to learn from the students’ behavior. I now do not condemn their passion for digital playthings. These commercial toys are affirmations of truly understanding then catering to the children’s ability to learn. I should learn from them. If I do not excite my children in the classroom, for sure, I do not understand how my students’ brain works.


Blogger Devi's ED630 Blog said...

I agree with your blog. We need to let student learn the way they want to. As each generation passes they are different and so is their way of learning. My nephew is only five years old but he is able to operative a computer because I introduced him to leapfrog, it is basically a educational system for young children. But because of this he performance above adverage in school. And off course this will benefit him in the future because as you know we are moving towards a more advance technological world.

10:18 AM  

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